Tuesday, 14 December 2021

My Night Bus Hero Activitys


Here are my night bus hero activity's it goes up to grid 1 to grid five

My Water Ways Inquiry


Here is my water ways inquiry.I have been learning about ngaruroro river.

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Music With Fran

Here is me at music with Fran.It was fun doing music I really liked it


My Night Bus Hero Activitys


These are my night bus hero activity slideshow. I am moving on to grid 4 and i am so exited to move on.

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

My Scotland slideshow


Here is my Scotland slideshow that i did it is about Tartans.Tartans are a pattered clothing that Scotland people wear.  

Thursday, 18 November 2021

My Gangsta Granny slideshow


Here is my gangsta granny slideshow. Our whole class watched the movie and read the book together

Music With Fran


                                             This is me playing the Villon with the bow then bye its self. 

My Olympic Report


This is my Olympian Lauren Bruce her sport is Hammer Throwing.
She was born in Christchurch and 1997. 

My Family History Slide Show


This is my Family History Slide and the pictures and me and my family.
My dog is called misty and she is a rottweiler she is 8,7,6,5 years old. 

My Favourite Story


This is my favourite story that i wrote
in my book then my Chrome Book. It is 
very long and i took ages too write it.

Monday, 1 November 2021

My Favourite Charlotte's Web Reading Activity



This Is My Charlotte's Web Activity !!
Our class has read the book together and have 
watched the movie. Its about a pig called Wilbur And a spider
called Charlotte who makes webs.